Unclear Lines: State and Non-State Actors in Abyei. A more academic essay on territory in Abyei, South Sudan, published in Chris Vaughan, Mareike Schomerus, and Lotje de Vries (eds.) 2013. The Borderlands of South Sudan: Authority and Identity in Contemporary and Historical Perspectives. New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
Counting a Divided Nation: On the Sudanese Census. A short article I published in Anthropology News in May 2010, looking at some of the contradictions inherent in approaching a political process quantitatively.
Genealogies of the Pirate. This is the text of a presentation I gave at the 4S Conference in Washington in 2009. It looks at some of the recent developments in piracy law through the lens of a genealogy of the pirate in political and legal theory.
Islamic Modernism: the case of Qutb in Dar es Salaam. My Masters thesis, written while at the University of Amsterdam, from which I graduated cum laude with an Mres in Cultural Analysis. The thesis looks at the place of ethics in East African Islam, and focuses on a translation of Sayyid Qutb from English into Swahili that took place in Dar es Salaam in 2005.
The Border as Administered Illegalism. A paper given at the Wall Conference at Birbeck College in London, in 2007. It analyses the British state's seemingly contradictory responses to illegal immigration.