Web links
Here are a few of the better things I have read online this week.
- The great Robert F. Worth on role reversal in Libya for the NYT. The plot of novel by Elias Khoury combined with the restraint of great reportage
- (Speaking of which, the wonderful archipelago books has just published an English translation of Khoury's As Though She Were Sleeping -- you can hear Khoury talking about the book here).
- Here is an interesting Dan Diner essay from Mittelweg 36 on Jean Améry's once much-read essay on torture. It contains the following suggestive comment on French history:
"French history is marked by a unique constellation. An West-East historical orientation focuses on events in Europe, on the continent. A North-South perspective foregrounds events in the colonies. In actual fact, the two axes – the horizontal and the vertical – merge with the one another. This has significant consequences both on the plane of reality and in the realm of memory."
The Conflict over Heglig
The Conflict in Abyei
New article on the situation in Abyei
New article on the situation in Abyei
Abyei update
...and another
Abyei Report
More Small Arms Survey Reports on Abyei
New Small Arms Survey Report on Abyei
Creating Facts on the Ground: Conflict Dynamics in Abyei
My working paper for Small Arms Survey has now been published. You can read it here.
Armed Entities in South Kordofan
Risk of Conflict in the Three Areas
I have a new summary up of the risk of conflict in the Three Areas. Read it here.
Militarization in Abyei
Abyei. June 2011
New Small Arms Survey updates
Washington Monthly article leads to Senate inquiry
At the beginning of the month, Meg Stalcup and I published an article in the Washington Monthly. It analyzes the unregulated explosion of counterterrorism trainers in America. Building off sham qualifications and a very dubious knowledge of Islam, they capitalize on America's fear, and teach law enforcement tactics that will neither help them fight terrorism, nor build good relations with the Muslim community they should be serving. You can read the article here. The Nation Institute Investigative Fund, who funded our investigation, has a good round-up of the reaction to the story in the sidebar here.
Yesterday, Senators Susan Collins and Joe Lieberman started a Senate inquiry into counterterrorism training, quoting the article.
I never thought I would say this, but thank you Joe Lieberman.